To LOVE GOD, that is what worship is all about. The Gospel is God’s story: The unfolding history of his interaction with humanity. It is the amazing and true account of how God created human beings, continues loving us despite our imperfection and brokenness, died on the cross to offer us forgiveness and salvation, and how he intends to heal and restore us over their course of our lives.
At its heart, the Gospel is the story of a God who “… so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son [Jesus], that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
At First Baptist, we are committed to the idea that the gospel is God’s word for everyone. This is reflected on a Sunday morning at First Baptist, where people from a great diversity of races, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and ages, worship God together. As a diverse community, we seek to follow Jesus together. We are living the gospel. This means not only that we talk about it, but that we strive to let it guide our actions as we seek to show God’s love to our neighbors and to our world. And for us, living the Gospel starts with…