First Baptist Church is accepting online donations through You may give by selecting the green ‘Give Now’ button. See additional instructions below.
We appreciate your donation! Thank you and may our Lord bless you.
Recurring Donations
A account is NOT required to give! However, if you would like to setup and manage a recurring gift, then you will want to create an account on You can create that account by going to online giving.
Additional Instructions
Pressing the ‘Give Now’ button above will open a new Window/Tab in your browser. When you have completely filled out the form, submit by pressing the ‘Give’ button at the bottom of the form. After submission, please wait for to reflect that the submission was successful. You will also receive an email confirmation from Then, close the Window/Tab to return to this page.
On the form you may choose your gift amount, where you would like the gift to be used (the To: drop down list), and whether you would like to pay by Credit Card or pulled directly from your bank account. You will also be required to completely fill out the form by giving us your name, email, phone number and address. A member number may also be provided along with a comment to help guide us in processing your gift.